Do I Need Insurance on My Classic Car if I Never Drive It?

If you live in or near the Decatur, AL area and own a classic car, you are among many other enthusiasts. Most classic car owners frequently maintain their treasures to ensure they remain pristine. If you’ve never owned a classic car, you might be confused about insurance. One question that many classic car owners have is whether to cover their cars if the vehicle is never driven. The answer is yes, as not only is minimal insurance required for classic vehicles in Alabama, but here are some key facts to keep in mind.

Your Car Could Incur Damage Despite Never Being Driven

Depending on where you stored it, if it isn’t stored properly, then there are several ways in which it could become damaged. The environment, weather, or even animals could cause your beloved classic vehicle to develop rust, scratches, or any number of other types of damage.

You Can Pay Less for Coverage Based on your Car’s Agreed Value

Although classic car coverage works similarly to traditional car insurance, with classic cars, paying less is possible. Most insurance companies will agree to provide coverage based on the vehicle’s worth. There are usually stipulations to continue to pay a lower rate. Your insurance policy will likely be "parked car insurance" and consist only of comprehensive insurance. One typical stipulation is that the car must remain in storage. If your vehicle is driven, additional insurance must be obtained. 

So, if you’re ready to start a classic car insurance policy, we at Will Wright Agency Inc. are prepared to provide you with high-quality service. One of our friendly agents will be more than happy to give you a quote and, hopefully, assist you with starting your new policy immediately.