Can I File a Claim for a Cyberattack on My Commercial Insurance Policy?

Cyberattacks have become more of a concern for the business owners of the world, especially considering just how advanced hacker tactics have become. But despite the prevalence, many business owners may still not know if cyberattacks are covered under their insurance policy. Commercial owners in Decatur, AL should know more about this threat, and how it could affect their livelihood. Will Wright Agency Inc. wants you to have the facts.

Understanding Cyberattacks and Insurance 

Whether your commercial insurance policy covers cyberattacks is largely dependent on your policy, and unfortunately, an insurance company’s standard policies can change from year to year. Where General Liability Coverage may have covered a portion of these expenses in the past, some insurance companies are starting to write in exclusions for this very specific type of crime.

As with most insurance policies, it’s important to never make broad assumptions about what you are allowed to claim. So even if you were covered last year under your general policy, an insurance company may have altered its terms without formally alerting you of the change. But while insurance companies may exclude cybercrime from their general policies, they have been more than happy to debut riders (or add-ons) that will cover you in the event of an attack. 

Asking for Help 

Will Wright Agency Inc. is proud to help businesses in Decatur, AL get the help they need from breaches, hacks, and leaks. The right commercial insurance policy can be exactly what you need to keep trouble at bay. If your reputation suffers due to a hack, we can help you restore your image to the public so you don’t lose customers. If you want to learn more about how we can help, call us today.